Monday, December 16, 2013

Last post of 2013!

As we enter our last school week of 2013 and I reflect back on all that the children have accomplished already, I can say that I'm really proud of them and I look forward to seeing what 2014 brings!

One big focus for us these past several weeks has been improving our multiplication fact fluency.  The children have been charting their progress as they tackle each set of times tables.  It's been really wonderful to see the pride on each of their faces when they see that they have beaten their previous day's score or are ready to move on to the next set of times tables.  The children have become really great at the routine- we spend only a few minutes at the beginning of math class practicing their facts and the payoff has been well worth it.  It's my hope that these third graders will knock the socks off their fourth grade teachers when they see how strong they are with their multiplication facts!

In ELA we've been exploring literal and non-literal language.  The children enjoyed learning idioms and reading Amelia Bedelia books- if you are not familiar with Amelia Bedelia, she's a housekeeper who takes her instructions very literally and hilarity ensues.  This week we will be reading some poetry, which is also full of non-literal language!

I hope that your families have a safe and happy holiday season!

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